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Founder Christian Dürr

Isar Estate

Founder: Dipl.-Kfm. Christian Dürr

Do you have a request? We are happy to be there for you and look forward to hearing from you.

+49 (0) 89 901 697 46

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    Selling property in Munich and the surrounding area

    The sale of a property in Munich and the surrounding area is an extensive project that requires professional planning and considerable time and monetary resources.

    Free initial consultation

    As an owner, you ask yourself how you can sell your property, house or flat in Munich and the surrounding area at the optimum price. What is the best and most convenient way to achieve this goal?

    In this context, you also have to make the important decision whether to sell the property on your own or with the help of an estate agent. In the following, we will show you in detail what advantages you have if you have your property in Munich sold by Isar Estate.

    Villa with glass front
    Villa with columns
    Chalet with gable roof
    Villa with roof terrace
    Modern high-rise

    How we sell your property in Munich and the surrounding area

    Personal interview and preparation

    We are happy to be at your disposal for a personal conversation. Our goal is to develop customised and efficient sales concepts for our clients' properties. We take a lot of time for this. First of all, we listen to you carefully in order to get to know your needs and wishes precisely. We support you in this step by asking the questions that are important for finding the optimal strategy for a successful property sale.

    Valuation of your property in line with the market

    A realistic property valuation in line with the market is a substantial prerequisite for achieving optimal sales success. As your real estate expert, Isar Estate takes care of a market-driven valuation of your property. We know the market for plots of land, houses and flats, can professionally analyse every location of your property in Munich and the surrounding area and carry out a detailed property valuation. This service is free of charge for our clients.

    As an experienced real estate agent, we quickly and reliably take care of all official procedures to obtain the relevant documents. If required, we can commission the preparation of an energy certificate.

    Customised marketing strategy

    On the basis of our personal conversation, we develop a custom-fit marketing strategy for your property, house or flat in Munich and the surrounding area. A detailed analysis of the relevant market segment and finding the right target group are particularly important for this. As an experienced estate agent, this step sets the course for the successful sale of your property.

    Preparation of marketing documents

    Following the definition of the marketing strategy, we, as your real estate expert for the Munich area, take care of the preparation of high-quality marketing documents. This step is also enormously important and time-consuming in order to professionally prepare a successful property sale.

    High quality photos

    With high-quality photos, we put the highlights of your property in the right light right from the start. If your house has a particularly beautiful location, we will of course also highlight this in the photos. We pay attention to an expressive and aesthetic picture language.

    Appealing texts

    An appealing advertising text acts like a powerful magnet. It attracts prospective buyers by itself and is far more powerful than the standard lurid market talk. It is authentic, creative and exciting to read. We are experienced writers of editorially high-quality and convincing advertising messages for property sales. In short: Sit back and let us do the writing of first-class advertising copy for you!

    Detailed exposé

    The exposé, whether online or in print, is the most important business card for your property. In terms of content and legal aspects, there are also many little things to consider when creating an exposé. We are only satisfied when our clients' exposé is ultimately perfect. By the way, a large number of potential buyers call up the exposé online on a smartphone. We are technically equipped for this.

    Further marketing material

    It usually makes sense to have the floor plans of properties for sale redrawn in order to present them in a more visually appealing way. We take care of that for you! If required, we can also create inspiring flyers as well as attractive posters and signs.


    You intend to sell your property in Munich and are interested in a quick property valuation online? Do you want to get an initial estimate of the value of your house or flat in just three minutes?


    Directly to the online evaluation


    Marketing your property in Munich and the surrounding area

    Isar Estate is at your disposal in the marketing phase with proven measures to realise the sale of your house or flat in a timely manner. Here too, our motto is: not off the peg, but exclusively tailor-made for you! This is the only way to achieve the optimum sales result on the market relevant to your property.

    Advertisements and ads for the sale of real estate

    In line with the carefully devised marketing strategy, we personally address the many prospective buyers from our client base in a targeted manner, place online advertisements on the relevant internet portals and place newspaper advertisements.

    Home staging and cosmetic repairs

    For a better visual appearance of your property, even small measures and cosmetic repairs often have a big effect. About 80 percent of people cannot imagine empty rooms furnished. If your property is already completely empty, it may make sense to furnish it briefly with selected pieces of furniture through home staging.

    Visits and answering detailed questions

    Serious prospective buyers often prefer individual viewing appointments in order to have time and space to feel their way into their new place of living. We guarantee individual viewing appointments if you wish. Should you yourself still live in the property for sale and attach importance to your privacy being restricted as little as possible during the sales process, we will also find a workable solution for this.

    Often, after a viewing, prospective buyers still have a long list of detailed questions that are important for the final decision on the purchase. We ensure that we answer all questions in detail and promptly. A careful and quick answer contributes significantly to convincing serious prospective buyers to purchase your property.

    Sell property

    As soon as a prospective buyer expresses an interest in buying your house or flat, the property sale enters the decisive phase. Now every little detail counts to successfully sell your property in Munich and the surrounding area.

    Credit check

    It can happen that a prospective buyer misjudges his financial resources or does not find a bank that agrees to finance the purchase price. It is therefore important to check the creditworthiness of the buyer at an early stage. As an independent third party, we support you in gaining clarity about the buyer's creditworthiness at the right time.

    Negotiation of the selling price

    Thanks to our many years of experience and our sensitivity in many successfully concluded price negotiations, you have in us an estate agent who will support you strategically and tactically in achieving the optimum sales price. It can also happen that a buyer tries to negotiate the sale price downwards shortly before the contract is concluded. We are prepared for this or other possible moves on the part of the prospective buyer, so that the sale of your property is ultimately brought to an optimal conclusion.

    Purchase contract and notary appointment

    We will assist you in drawing up the purchase contract and attending the notary appointment so that the last decisive steps go smoothly. If necessary, we will help you to consult expert tax advisors and lawyers for the sales process.

    The notary appointment should not be underestimated. It can always happen that during the appointment with the notary, there is a sudden need for further clarification between the contracting parties. At this point, we are at your side with our expertise and experience so that you can overcome the last hurdle and successfully sell your property in Munich.

    Handover of the property to the buyer

    The handover to the buyer is an important moment that should be documented in detail with the help of a handover protocol. The handover details were previously recorded in detail in the notarial purchase contract. We also help you with this final step.

    Convincing service after the sale

    Even after we have sold your property in Munich and the surrounding area for you, we will continue to be there for you with full commitment. If there are any issues that need to be clarified after the sale of your house or apartment has been completed, we will take care of them.

    Selling property without an estate agent

    If you are considering selling your property without hiring a professional estate agent, it seems sensible to reflect again on the challenges of selling a property. Ideally, you will be able to answer yes to all of the following points when selling alone:


    You have a sound knowledge of the market and can determine the value of your property yourself, independent of subjective components.


    You know exactly how to define the target group of potential buyers.


    You are adept at creating professional photos, engaging copy and bespoke marketing collateral.


    You have all the time resources for the above steps as well as for visits to authorities and inspections.


    They are prepared to bear costs such as for an appraisal, for marketing material and various advertisements themselves.


    They are confident negotiators and know how to respond correctly to potential buyers' supposed moves.


    They have a sound legal background and know the current legal situation for the legally secure sale of your property.

    Christian Duerr Founder

    We are here for you

    As your professional real estate agent for Munich and the surrounding area, we are at your side with a great deal of commitment and a well thought-out all-round service in order to realize your sales wish in the best possible way.

    You want to sell your property in Munich or the surrounding area?

    Book a free consultation

    +49 (0) 89 901 697 46

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    Twelve tips for a successful property sale


    Our gift for you:

    Twelve tips to successfully sell a property.

    You will receive an email from us immediately after registration to download the document with the 12 tips.

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      Questions and answers about selling property in Munich

      How can a property in Munich be sold successfully?

      Successfully selling a property in Munich is an extensive project that usually takes several months. It is very important to professionally organise the preparation and marketing of a house or flat. This requires appropriate expertise and considerable time resources. Every little detail can make the difference between success and failure.

      Why should I hire an estate agent to sell my property?

      Most real estate sellers sell a house or flat once or only a few times in their life. Selling a property is very complex. This applies to both the legal and the economic aspects. An experienced real estate agent knows what you absolutely have to consider when marketing the property in order to achieve the best possible result. You benefit from this knowledge and have a partner who does everything to ensure that you can achieve an optimal sales price.

      What are the costs of hiring an estate agent?

      The law defines which commission costs may be incurred by the seller and buyer respectively. Since December 2020, the broker's commission can no longer be borne unilaterally by private buyers of houses and flats. Thus, a private buyer is to bear a maximum of 50 percent of the total commission, the other half is to be paid by the seller. It is permitted that the seller bears the entire commission. This has the advantage that the real estate agent may also conduct price negotiations on behalf of the seller, which is not possible in the case of commission sharing. We will be happy to inform you about further details and show you the advantages and disadvantages of the various remuneration models that are possible under the law.

      Who bears the notary fees and the costs for the land register transfer in the event of a property sale?

      If you sell your property in Munich and the surrounding area, the buyer bears the notary's fees incurred in the course of the sale. Only the fees incurred for the cancellation of a land charge are to be paid by the seller. The same applies to the cancellation of a usufructuary right. The costs of the land register transfer and the land transfer tax are to be borne solely by the buyer of the property.

      What happens if the buyer of my property does not pay the purchase price?

      It is very unpleasant when a buyer does not pay the agreed purchase price for a property. Everything can be done to avoid this by carrying out a comprehensive credit check before signing the notarised purchase contract. Before the buyer pays the purchase price in full, you remain the owner; this can be regulated by a clause in the notarial purchase contract. Nevertheless, a reversal is very annoying and the risk of this should be minimised in advance.